Duo 2 - Rabbit Sex Toy Clitoral Stimulator G-Spot Dual Vibrator
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Womanizer DUO 2 er til sexlegetøjselskere, der leder efter et avanceret legetøj. Womanizer OG er designet til intense nydelsessøgende og erfarne opdagelsesrejsende, der ønsker at intensivere deres onani og opdage nye fornemmelser - som en kombineret orgasme. Womanizer DUO 2 er en unik rabbit-vibrator i topklasse, der kombinerer en Pleasure Air-klitorisstimulator og en kraftfuld G-punktsvibrator for at skabe avancerede kombinerede orgasmer. Womanizer DUO 2 er mere end bare en genopfindelse af rabbit'en, den er det eneste legetøj, der samtidig tilbyder Pleasure Air klitorisstimuleringsteknologi og G-punktsvibrationer. Denne dobbelte stimulator er udstyret med innovative funktioner til tilfredsstillende orgasmer i hele kroppen. De to motorer kan styres separat for større alsidighed og individuel styring.
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1. Tænd / sluk Tryk på tænd / sluk-knappen i 2 sekunder. En kort vibration og en LED inde i stimulationshovedet indikerer, at produktet er tændt.
2. Brug.
1. Kom et par dråber vandbaseret glidecreme på vibratoren.
2. Før vibratoren ind i skeden.
3. Spred skamlæberne lidt for at blotlægge din klitoris.
4. Du kan nu presse stimulationshovedet let mod din klitoris, så den er dækket af stimulationshovedets ovale åbning.
Womanizer DUO2 2 vibrator til dobbelt stimulering, guide til hurtig start, sikkerhedsinstruktioner, opbevaringspose i bomuld, USB-ladekabel (netadapter medfølger ikke), to stimulationshoveder
Før du bruger din Womanizer, skal du fjerne eventuelle piercinger eller genitale smykker.
Når du bruger Womanizer, må du ikke bruge smøregeler eller massageolier, der er parfumerede eller indeholder alkohol, da det kan medføre skader.
Silikonebaserede glidegeler anbefales heller ikke. Hvis du foretrækker det, kan du bruge en vandbaseret glidegel sammen med Womanizer.
Hvis du opdager, at formen på stimulationsspidsen endnu ikke er optimal, kan du vælge en af de to stimulationsspidser (S og M), der følger med i pakken, for at få den bedst mulige fornemmelse.
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12 anmeldelser
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12 anmeldelser
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A Powerful Plaything!
Having been an avid user of the standard model (Womanizer) for many years, alone and with my husband, we were excited to try the Duo 2. I had some playtime alone before my husband joined me and it was so powerful that my husband was compelled to switch off Match of the Day to investigate the commotion! We had an incredible time however we also found a few potential improvements. Firstly, the buttons need more prominent texture to distinguish them from one another as in the moment, it is very difficult to tell which button is being pressed. Secondly, I usually love to get the clitoral air stimulation going to a point where I am desperate for the introduction of a vibrator. With this design, the vibrator has to be in before the clitoris is anywhere near the air stimulator, which is a great shame. We tried changing the position, the angle, all sorts, but you simply have to go with it. In reality this in itself was quite a lot of fun! I guess we are just going to need to mix up our routine 😉. The vibe options were great, good to mix the clit and G-spot settings, all in all it's a big "YES!" from us.
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One Size Does NOT Fit All
If you enjoy a big vibrator, and actually like big things up there - this is a real winner. It will make you climax three times in ten minutes. A little difficult to use at first but honestly quite easy to use after a few minutes. However, despite an incredible orgasm, I personally found it was so uncomfortable to use and I was just so sore afterwards, I hated it. Not worth the pain in my opinion. The price - if you actually like it & get it on sale - is fair. Regularly however? Try WeVibe or even just use an egg & a clit vibe simultaneously.
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Best toy I’ve ever bought
This toy stands out for its unique design and its ability to provide powerful and pleasurable stimulation to two erogenous zones simultaneously--the G-spot and the clit. The Duo 2 is made from a high-quality, body-safe silicone that feels smooth and comfortable against the skin. It is also waterproof and easy to clean! This little toy has multiple speed and intensity settings, so you can find the perfect sensation for you. It also features a curved design that fits your body perfectly, allowing the toy to target the sensitive spots with pinpoint accuracy. One of the standout features of the Duo 2 is its quiet operation. It has a whisper-quiet motor, so you don't have to worry about anyone hearing you in the next room. This can make solo play a lot more relaxing and enjoyable! I would 100% recommend this toy and it is definitely worth the price.
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This is the best one so far, it does exactly what it is supposed to do.
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Guaranteed Orgasm
With dual stimulation, it doesn’t take long to get you hot and bothered. Certainly becoming my favourite toy, I’m still working it out with buttons and vibration settings. Don’t jump in to the stronger settings without a build up. But this certainly leaves you tingling and sated after!
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Best toy I’ve tried so far, and my partner loves incorporating it too!
I don’t orgasm easily, or reliably, but this has given me some mind-blowing orgasms! Such possibilities with using it in different ways, you really have to try out which technique works best for your body. My partner also uses it on me, and combine this toy with a mouth and genuinely nothing compares! When it comes to all the functions, you can use it simply or get into all the combinations, possibilities are endless but fairly simple to understand. Some people may get overwhelmed by the many functions, but you don’t have to use them to get the most out of the toy. Each to their own! I would recommend to anyone, it’s expensive but it’s so worth it. Only con is it’s not quiet! It’s not a bulldozer making a noise there, but living with other people, it’s not the most subtle option.
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Emilia 2.
For the price I expected it to last longer
So I bough at the end of the year 2021 and it broke in jan 2024. I’d say this was used perhaps once a week. For the price of it I’d expect it to last longer. The warrant only lasts a year. For the price it’s too expensive to replace every 2-3 years
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This toy is the real deal…the fact it only works when it’s on your clit gives it such a better experience, the build up is insane that you are in control and can really turn up the intensity that leaves you so satisfied but wanting more… I had multiple organisms…hubby happy with he’s purchase…
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Brillant Vibrator
Brilliant Vibrator it is expensive but its one of the best would say its worth the money maybe could be a bit cheaper... I got it in the sales so didn't pay full price
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Bought this for my girlfriend and she absolutely LOVES it, it’s not the cheapest but it’s the best toy she has ever had apparently
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Goods arrived. Charging connection very difficult to make it stay connected. No LED light indication so I can only assume it’s defective. Very disappointing. Will be sending it back!
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Siden 2014 har Womanizer revolutioneret branchen med den innovative Pleasure Air Technology, der giver ekstraordinære orgasmer uden kontakt med klitoris. Vi hylder selvkærlighed og mener, at alle har ret til et seksuelt tilfredsstillende liv.

Duo 2 - Rabbit Sex Toy Clitoral Stimulator G-Spot Dual Vibrator
Regretted buying
Large and cumbersome to use and handle. Really loud which is off putting.
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